[][src]Module binjs::io::entropy::format

About this file

This is an attempt to document the Entropy 0.4 compression format.

Global structure

Stream ::= Headers Prelude? Content? Main Footers?


Headers identify the file, the version of the format used and the shared dictionary used, if any.

The shared dictionary provides:

Headers ::= MagicNumber FormatVersionNumber LinkToSharedDictionary

Magic number

MagicNumber ::= "\x89BJS\r\n\0\n"

Version number

Not specified/implemented yet.

VersionNumber ::= TBD

Not specified/implemented yet.

The shared dictionary is optional.

LinkToSharedDictionary ::= TBD


The prelude extends the shared dictionary with additional strings, numbers, keys, names, ...

Data structures are separated even when they have the same underlying representation, to improve compression.

Prelude ::= "[[prelude]]" NamedPreludeDictionary*
NamedPreludeDictionary ::= "[floats]" PreludeStream<f64?>
                         |  "[unsigned_longs]" PreludeStream<u32?>
                         |  "[list_lengths]" PreludeStream<u32?>
                         |  "[property_keys]" PreludeStream<String>
                         |  "[identifier_names]" PreludeStream<String>
                         |  "[string_literals]" PreludeStream<String>
                         |  "[property_keys_len]" PreludeStream<StringLen>
                         |  "[identifier_names_len]" PreludeStream<StringLen>
                         |  "[string_literals_len]" PreludeStream<StringLen>

If the same prelude name ("[floats]", "[unsigned_longs]", etc.) appears more than once, this is a syntax error.

If ["property_keys"] exists and is not empty, '["property_keys_len"] must exist and be non-empty, otherwise, this is a syntax error.

If ["identifier_names"] exists and is not empty, '["identifier_names"] must exist and be non-empty, otherwise, this is a syntax error.

If ["string_literals"] exists and is not empty, '["string_literals_len"] must exist and be non-empty, otherwise, this is a syntax error.

Internal compression

All prelude streams have the same structure

PreludeStream<T> ::= CompressionFormat ";" ByteLen CompressedByteStream<T>
CompressionFormat ::= "brotli" // The only compression format supported so far.
ByteLen := var_u32


Let us call ExpandedByteStream<T> the result of decompressing the ByteLen bytes of a CompressedByteStream<T> with the specified CompressionFormat.

Stream interpretation


ExpandedByteStream<u32?> ::= ExpandedByteStreamItem<u32?>*
ExpandedByteStreamItem<u32?> ::= var_u32         // Some(value)
                               | var_u32_invalid_1  // None


ExpandedByteStream<f64?> ::= ExpandedByteStreamItem<f64?>
ExpandedByteStreamItem<f64?> ::= var_i32            // Some(integer value)
                               | var_i32_invalid_1 f64 // Some(floating-point value)
                               | var_i32_invalid_2     // None


To interpret a string stream, it is necessary to interpret both the PreludeStream<String> and the PreludeStream<StringLen>.

If the PreludeStream<String> and the PreludeStream<StringLen> do not have the same number of elements, this is a syntax error.

ExpandedByteStream<StringLen> ::= varu32?
ExpandedByteStream<String> ::= [char; len_0], [char; len_1], ... [char; len_k]
                             // where len_0, len_1, ..., len_k are the values of the ExpandedByteStream<StringLen>

If len_0 + len_1 + ... + len_k is not equal to the ByteLen attached to the ExpandedByteStream<String>, this is a syntax error.

Strings are interpreted as WTF-8 (NOT UTF-8).


The content defines streams of references to the dictionaries (both the prelude dictionary and the shared dictionary, if specified). These values are pulled from the content streams while reading the main stream.

Content ::= "[[content]]" NamedContentStream*
NamedContentStream ::= "[floats]" ContentStream<f64?>
                     | "[unsigned_longs]" ContentStream<u32?>
                     | "[list_lengths]" ContentStream<u32?>
                     | "[property_keys]" ContentStream<String>
                     | "[identifier_names]" ContentStream<String>
                     | "[string_literals]" ContentStream<String>

If the same content name ("[floats]", "[unsigned_longs]", etc.) appears more than once, this is a syntax error.

Internal compression

All content streams have the same structure

ContentStream<T> ::= CompressionFormat ";" ByteLen CompressedContentStream<T>


Let us call ExpandedContentStream<T> the result of decompressing the ByteLen bytes of a CompressedContentStream<T> with the specified CompressionFormat.

Stream interpretation

All expanded content streams have the same structure

ExpandedContentStream<T> ::= WindowLen ExpandedContentReferences<T>
WindowLen ::= var_u32

Where WindowLen is the number of bytes in the LRU cache used to interpret ExpandedContentReferences. It may be 0.

ExpandedContentReferences<T> ::= ContentReferenceBytes<T>*
ContentReferenceBytes<T> ::= var_u32

Interpreting a ContentReferenceBytes<T> requires the following information:

A ContentReferenceBytes<T> is interpreted into a ContentReference<T> through the following algorithm:

prelude_latest = -1
imported = []
window = LRU(WindowLen)
prelude_len = # Length of the matching Prelude stream
def interpret(u32):
    # 0 means "next in prelude"
    if u32 == 0:
        prelude_latest += 1
        return PreludeReference(prelude_latest)
    # [1, WindowLen] is a LRU cache
    if 1 <= u32 and u32 <= len(window):
        result = window.fetch(u32 - 1)
        if result.isinstance(PreludeReference):
            prelude_latest = result.index
        return result
    # [WindowLen + 1, WindowLen + PreludeLen] is a reference to the prelude
    # dictionary.
    if len(window) + 1 <= u32 and u32 <= len(window) + len(prelude):
        prelude_latest = u32 - len(window) - 1
        result = PreludeReference(prelude_latest)
        return result
    # [WindowLen + PreludeLen + 1, WindowLen + PreludeLen + len(imported)] is a reference
    # to an already encountered value from the shared dictionary.
    if len(window) + len(prelude) + 1 <= u32 and u32 <= len(window) + len(prelude) + len(imported):
        result = imported[u32 - len(window) - len(prelude) - 1]
        return result
    # Any value above is a first-time reference into the shared dictionary.
    if len(window) + len(prelude) + len(imported) < u32:
        result = SharedReference(u32 - len(window) - len(prelude) - len(imported))
        return result


The main stream encodes the structure of the AST using a probability table.

Main ::= "[[main]]" EntropyCompressionFormat MainData
EntropyCompressionFormat ::= "entropy0.4"

Stream interpretation

The stream MainData is a stream of range-encoded numbers. Each number may only be interpreted within a probability table (specified through the linked shared dictionary) and a grammar (specified through the linked shared dictionary). Note that the probability table and the grammar themselves may change at any step, in a manner not specified by this document.


# A list of pairs (node, child index)
path = None
range_decoder = RangeDecoder(MainData)
def next_number(tables, grammar):
    if path == None:
        path = (grammar.root(), 0)
    # The structure of the node we need to decode.
    node = None
    # The index of the child in the node we need to decode.
    index = None
    while True:
        if len(path) == 0:
            # Decoding is complete
            return None
        [node, index] = path[-1]
        if index >= len(node.children):
            # We have finished decoding the current node, return to parent node.
        # We are still decoding this node.
        # Next time we attempt to decode this node, advance to next field.
        path[-1][1] += 1
        if node[index].is_encoded_as_content_stream():
            # This field is encoded as a content stream, rather than the main
            # stream, advance to next field or node.
        # At this stage, we have determined the field we need to decode.

    # Pick the set of probability tables for this node
    probability_table_by_kind = tables[path]
    probability_table = None
    if node[index].is_tagged_tuple():
        probability_table = probability_table_by_kind.tagged_tuple
    else if node[index].is_string_enum():
        probability_table = probability_table_by_kind.string_enum
    else if node[index].is_bool():
        probability_table = probability_table_by_kind.bool
        # Not possible.

    result = range_encoder.decode(probability_table)

    # If the node is a tagged tuple, we need to recurse into its children
    if node[index].is_tagged_tuple():
        path.push(node[index], 0)

    return result


Not specified/implemented yet.

Primitive values

Variable-length numbers (unsigned)

We use var_u32 to denote a variable-length representation of 32 bit unsigned integers.

var_u32 ::= var_u32_non_terminal_byte* var_u32_terminal_byte
var_u32_non_terminal_byte ::= Any byte b such that b & 1 == 1
var_u32_terminal_byte     ::= Any byte b such that b & 1 == 0
var_u32_invalid_1 ::= 0x00000001 0x00000000
var_u32_invalid_2 ::= 0x00000001 0x00000001 0x00000000
var_u32_invalid_3 ::= 0x00000001 0x00000001 0x00000001 0x00000000


As an exception, the following sequence of var_u32_non_terminal_byte* var_non_terminal_byte is not a var_u32:

Such sequences are used to represent exceptional cases (e.g. null values).

Variable-length numbers (signed)

var_i32 ::= var_u32
var_i32_invalid_1 ::= 0x00000001 0x00000000 // Aliased for convenience
var_i32_invalid_2 ::= 0x00000001 0x00000001 0x00000000 // Aliased for convenience
var_i32_invalid_3 ::= 0x00000001 0x00000001 0x00000001 0x00000000 // Aliased for convenience

Signed variable-length numbers are stored as unsigned, using the following algorithm:



We use f64 to denote 64-bit floating point numbers.

f64 ::= IEEE754 64 Floating Point encoding

Raw data

[char; N] ::= the next N bytes in the stream