[][src]Macro binjs::io::print_file_structure

macro_rules! print_file_structure {
    ($ reader : expr, $ fmt : expr $ (, $ more : expr) *) => { ... };

Prints the structural interpretation of the data read after the last time this macro is called.

Before calling this macro, the output is supposed to be the following:

This example is not tested
00 01 02<= cursor position

After calling this macro with the following code:

This example is not tested
print_file_structure!(reader, "string=\"hello\"");

the output is supposed to be the following:

This example is not tested
00 01 02     # string="hello"
<= cursor position

This macro may be called multiple times before reading any data, and in that case the output is supposed to be the following:

This example is not tested
00 01 02     # string="hello"
<= cursor position