[−][src]Module binjs_es6::ast
A strongly-typed AST for ES6.
ArrayAssignmentTarget | Implementation of interface ArrayAssignmentTarget. |
ArrayBinding | Implementation of interface ArrayBinding. |
ArrayExpression | Implementation of interface ArrayExpression. |
ArrowExpressionContentsWithExpression | Implementation of interface ArrowExpressionContentsWithExpression. |
ArrowExpressionContentsWithFunctionBody | Implementation of interface ArrowExpressionContentsWithFunctionBody. |
AssertedBlockScope | Implementation of interface AssertedBlockScope. |
AssertedBoundName | Implementation of interface AssertedBoundName. |
AssertedBoundNamesScope | Implementation of interface AssertedBoundNamesScope. |
AssertedDeclaredName | Implementation of interface AssertedDeclaredName. |
AssertedParameterName | Implementation of interface AssertedParameterName. |
AssertedParameterScope | Implementation of interface AssertedParameterScope. |
AssertedPositionalParameterName | Implementation of interface AssertedPositionalParameterName. |
AssertedRestParameterName | Implementation of interface AssertedRestParameterName. |
AssertedScriptGlobalScope | Implementation of interface AssertedScriptGlobalScope. |
AssertedVarScope | Implementation of interface AssertedVarScope. |
AssignmentExpression | Implementation of interface AssignmentExpression. |
AssignmentTargetIdentifier | Implementation of interface AssignmentTargetIdentifier. |
AssignmentTargetPropertyIdentifier | Implementation of interface AssignmentTargetPropertyIdentifier. |
AssignmentTargetPropertyProperty | Implementation of interface AssignmentTargetPropertyProperty. |
AssignmentTargetWithInitializer | Implementation of interface AssignmentTargetWithInitializer. |
AwaitExpression | Implementation of interface AwaitExpression. |
BinASTExpressionWithProbabilityTable | Implementation of interface BinASTExpressionWithProbabilityTable. |
BinaryExpression | Implementation of interface BinaryExpression. |
BindingIdentifier | Implementation of interface BindingIdentifier. |
BindingPropertyIdentifier | Implementation of interface BindingPropertyIdentifier. |
BindingPropertyProperty | Implementation of interface BindingPropertyProperty. |
BindingWithInitializer | Implementation of interface BindingWithInitializer. |
Block | Implementation of interface Block. |
BreakStatement | Implementation of interface BreakStatement. |
CallExpression | Implementation of interface CallExpression. |
CatchClause | Implementation of interface CatchClause. |
ClassDeclaration | Implementation of interface ClassDeclaration. |
ClassElement | Implementation of interface ClassElement. |
ClassExpression | Implementation of interface ClassExpression. |
CompoundAssignmentExpression | Implementation of interface CompoundAssignmentExpression. |
ComputedMemberAssignmentTarget | Implementation of interface ComputedMemberAssignmentTarget. |
ComputedMemberExpression | Implementation of interface ComputedMemberExpression. |
ComputedPropertyName | Implementation of interface ComputedPropertyName. |
ConditionalExpression | Implementation of interface ConditionalExpression. |
ContinueStatement | Implementation of interface ContinueStatement. |
DataProperty | Implementation of interface DataProperty. |
DebuggerStatement | Implementation of interface DebuggerStatement. |
Directive | Implementation of interface Directive. |
DoWhileStatement | Implementation of interface DoWhileStatement. |
EagerArrowExpressionWithExpression | Implementation of interface EagerArrowExpressionWithExpression. |
EagerArrowExpressionWithFunctionBody | Implementation of interface EagerArrowExpressionWithFunctionBody. |
EagerFunctionDeclaration | Implementation of interface EagerFunctionDeclaration. |
EagerFunctionExpression | Implementation of interface EagerFunctionExpression. |
EagerGetter | Implementation of interface EagerGetter. |
EagerMethod | Implementation of interface EagerMethod. |
EagerSetter | Implementation of interface EagerSetter. |
EmptyStatement | Implementation of interface EmptyStatement. |
Export | Implementation of interface Export. |
ExportAllFrom | Implementation of interface ExportAllFrom. |
ExportDefault | Implementation of interface ExportDefault. |
ExportFrom | Implementation of interface ExportFrom. |
ExportFromSpecifier | Implementation of interface ExportFromSpecifier. |
ExportLocalSpecifier | Implementation of interface ExportLocalSpecifier. |
ExportLocals | Implementation of interface ExportLocals. |
ExpressionStatement | Implementation of interface ExpressionStatement. |
ForInOfBinding | Implementation of interface ForInOfBinding. |
ForInStatement | Implementation of interface ForInStatement. |
ForOfStatement | Implementation of interface ForOfStatement. |
ForStatement | Implementation of interface ForStatement. |
FormalParameters | Implementation of interface FormalParameters. |
FunctionExpressionContents | Implementation of interface FunctionExpressionContents. |
FunctionOrMethodContents | Implementation of interface FunctionOrMethodContents. |
GetterContents | Implementation of interface GetterContents. |
IdentifierExpression | Implementation of interface IdentifierExpression. |
IfStatement | Implementation of interface IfStatement. |
Import | Implementation of interface Import. |
ImportNamespace | Implementation of interface ImportNamespace. |
ImportSpecifier | Implementation of interface ImportSpecifier. |
LabelledStatement | Implementation of interface LabelledStatement. |
LazyArrowExpressionWithExpression | Implementation of interface LazyArrowExpressionWithExpression. |
LazyArrowExpressionWithFunctionBody | Implementation of interface LazyArrowExpressionWithFunctionBody. |
LazyFunctionDeclaration | Implementation of interface LazyFunctionDeclaration. |
LazyFunctionExpression | Implementation of interface LazyFunctionExpression. |
LazyGetter | Implementation of interface LazyGetter. |
LazyMethod | Implementation of interface LazyMethod. |
LazySetter | Implementation of interface LazySetter. |
LiteralBooleanExpression | Implementation of interface LiteralBooleanExpression. |
LiteralInfinityExpression | Implementation of interface LiteralInfinityExpression. |
LiteralNullExpression | Implementation of interface LiteralNullExpression. |
LiteralNumericExpression | Implementation of interface LiteralNumericExpression. |
LiteralPropertyName | Implementation of interface LiteralPropertyName. |
LiteralRegExpExpression | Implementation of interface LiteralRegExpExpression. |
LiteralStringExpression | Implementation of interface LiteralStringExpression. |
Module | Implementation of interface Module. |
NewExpression | Implementation of interface NewExpression. |
NewTargetExpression | Implementation of interface NewTargetExpression. |
Null | Implementation of interface . |
ObjectAssignmentTarget | Implementation of interface ObjectAssignmentTarget. |
ObjectBinding | Implementation of interface ObjectBinding. |
ObjectExpression | Implementation of interface ObjectExpression. |
ReturnStatement | Implementation of interface ReturnStatement. |
Script | Implementation of interface Script. |
SetterContents | Implementation of interface SetterContents. |
ShorthandProperty | Implementation of interface ShorthandProperty. |
SpreadElement | Implementation of interface SpreadElement. |
StaticMemberAssignmentTarget | Implementation of interface StaticMemberAssignmentTarget. |
StaticMemberExpression | Implementation of interface StaticMemberExpression. |
Super | Implementation of interface Super. |
SwitchCase | Implementation of interface SwitchCase. |
SwitchDefault | Implementation of interface SwitchDefault. |
SwitchStatement | Implementation of interface SwitchStatement. |
SwitchStatementWithDefault | Implementation of interface SwitchStatementWithDefault. |
TemplateElement | Implementation of interface TemplateElement. |
TemplateExpression | Implementation of interface TemplateExpression. |
ThisExpression | Implementation of interface ThisExpression. |
ThrowStatement | Implementation of interface ThrowStatement. |
TryCatchStatement | Implementation of interface TryCatchStatement. |
TryFinallyStatement | Implementation of interface TryFinallyStatement. |
UnaryExpression | Implementation of interface UnaryExpression. |
UpdateExpression | Implementation of interface UpdateExpression. |
VariableDeclaration | Implementation of interface VariableDeclaration. |
VariableDeclarator | Implementation of interface VariableDeclarator. |
ViewMutArguments | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutArrayAssignmentTarget | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutArrayBinding | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutArrayExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutArrowExpressionContentsWithExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutArrowExpressionContentsWithFunctionBody | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutAssertedBlockScope | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutAssertedBoundName | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutAssertedBoundNamesScope | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutAssertedDeclaredName | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutAssertedParameterName | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutAssertedParameterScope | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutAssertedPositionalParameterName | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutAssertedRestParameterName | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutAssertedScriptGlobalScope | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutAssertedVarScope | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutAssignmentExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutAssignmentTargetIdentifier | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutAssignmentTargetPropertyIdentifier | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutAssignmentTargetPropertyProperty | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutAssignmentTargetWithInitializer | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutAwaitExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutBinASTExpressionWithProbabilityTable | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutBinaryExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutBindingIdentifier | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutBindingPropertyIdentifier | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutBindingPropertyProperty | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutBindingWithInitializer | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutBlock | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutBreakStatement | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutCallExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutCatchClause | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutClassDeclaration | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutClassElement | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutClassExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutCompoundAssignmentExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutComputedMemberAssignmentTarget | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutComputedMemberExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutComputedPropertyName | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutConditionalExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutContinueStatement | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutDataProperty | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutDebuggerStatement | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutDirective | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutDoWhileStatement | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutEagerArrowExpressionWithExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutEagerArrowExpressionWithFunctionBody | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutEagerFunctionDeclaration | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutEagerFunctionExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutEagerGetter | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutEagerMethod | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutEagerSetter | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutEmptyStatement | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutExport | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutExportAllFrom | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutExportDefault | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutExportFrom | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutExportFromSpecifier | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutExportLocalSpecifier | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutExportLocals | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutExpressionStatement | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutForInOfBinding | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutForInStatement | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutForOfStatement | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutForStatement | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutFormalParameters | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutFunctionExpressionContents | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutFunctionOrMethodContents | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutGetterContents | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutIdentifierExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutIfStatement | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutImport | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutImportNamespace | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutImportSpecifier | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutLabel | Shallow casting mechanism for Label. |
ViewMutLabelledStatement | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutLazyArrowExpressionWithExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutLazyArrowExpressionWithFunctionBody | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutLazyFunctionDeclaration | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutLazyFunctionExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutLazyGetter | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutLazyMethod | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutLazySetter | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutListOfAssertedBoundName | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutListOfAssertedDeclaredName | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutListOfAssertedMaybePositionalParameterName | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutListOfAssignmentTargetOrAssignmentTargetWithInitializer | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutListOfAssignmentTargetProperty | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutListOfBindingProperty | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutListOfClassElement | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutListOfDirective | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutListOfExportDeclarationOrImportDeclarationOrStatement | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutListOfExportFromSpecifier | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutListOfExportLocalSpecifier | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutListOfExpressionOrTemplateElement | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutListOfImportSpecifier | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutListOfObjectProperty | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutListOfOptionalBindingOrBindingWithInitializer | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutListOfOptionalExpressionOrSpreadElement | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutListOfParameter | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutListOfStatement | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutListOfSwitchCase | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutListOfVariableDeclarator | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutLiteralBooleanExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutLiteralInfinityExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutLiteralNullExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutLiteralNumericExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutLiteralPropertyName | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutLiteralRegExpExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutLiteralStringExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutModule | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutNewExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutNewTargetExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutNull | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutObjectAssignmentTarget | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutObjectBinding | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutObjectExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutOffset | |
ViewMutOptionalAssignmentTarget | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutOptionalBinding | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutOptionalBindingIdentifier | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutOptionalBindingOrBindingWithInitializer | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutOptionalCatchClause | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutOptionalExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutOptionalExpressionOrSpreadElement | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutOptionalExpressionOrVariableDeclaration | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutOptionalIdentifierName | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutOptionalLabel | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutOptionalPropertyKey | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutOptionalStatement | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutReturnStatement | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutScript | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutSetterContents | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutShorthandProperty | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutSpreadElement | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutStaticMemberAssignmentTarget | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutStaticMemberExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutString | Shallow casting mechanism for String. |
ViewMutSuper | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutSwitchCase | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutSwitchDefault | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutSwitchStatement | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutSwitchStatementWithDefault | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutTemplateElement | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutTemplateExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutThisExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutThrowStatement | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutTryCatchStatement | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutTryFinallyStatement | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutUnaryExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutUpdateExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutVariableDeclaration | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutVariableDeclarator | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutWhileStatement | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutWithStatement | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutYieldExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
ViewMutYieldStarExpression | Shallow casting mechanism. |
WhileStatement | Implementation of interface WhileStatement. |
WithStatement | Implementation of interface WithStatement. |
YieldExpression | Implementation of interface YieldExpression. |
YieldStarExpression | Implementation of interface YieldStarExpression. |
ASTField | All the fields. |
ASTNode | All the interfaces. |
ArrowExpression | Implementation of interface sum ArrowExpression |
AssertedDeclaredKind | Implementation of string enum AssertedDeclaredKind |
AssertedMaybePositionalParameterName | Implementation of interface sum AssertedMaybePositionalParameterName |
AssignmentTarget | Implementation of interface sum AssignmentTarget |
AssignmentTargetOrAssignmentTargetWithInitializer | Implementation of interface sum AssignmentTargetOrAssignmentTargetWithInitializer |
AssignmentTargetOrForInOfBinding | Implementation of interface sum AssignmentTargetOrForInOfBinding |
AssignmentTargetPattern | Implementation of interface sum AssignmentTargetPattern |
AssignmentTargetProperty | Implementation of interface sum AssignmentTargetProperty |
BinaryOperator | Implementation of string enum BinaryOperator |
Binding | Implementation of interface sum Binding |
BindingOrBindingWithInitializer | Implementation of interface sum BindingOrBindingWithInitializer |
BindingPattern | Implementation of interface sum BindingPattern |
BindingProperty | Implementation of interface sum BindingProperty |
ClassDeclarationOrExpressionOrFunctionDeclaration | Implementation of interface sum ClassDeclarationOrExpressionOrFunctionDeclaration |
ClassDeclarationOrFunctionDeclarationOrVariableDeclaration | Implementation of interface sum ClassDeclarationOrFunctionDeclarationOrVariableDeclaration |
CompoundAssignmentOperator | Implementation of string enum CompoundAssignmentOperator |
ExportDeclaration | Implementation of interface sum ExportDeclaration |
ExportDeclarationOrImportDeclarationOrStatement | Implementation of interface sum ExportDeclarationOrImportDeclarationOrStatement |
Expression | Implementation of interface sum Expression |
ExpressionOrSpreadElement | Implementation of interface sum ExpressionOrSpreadElement |
ExpressionOrSuper | Implementation of interface sum ExpressionOrSuper |
ExpressionOrTemplateElement | Implementation of interface sum ExpressionOrTemplateElement |
ExpressionOrVariableDeclaration | Implementation of interface sum ExpressionOrVariableDeclaration |
FunctionDeclaration | Implementation of interface sum FunctionDeclaration |
FunctionExpression | Implementation of interface sum FunctionExpression |
Getter | Implementation of interface sum Getter |
ImportDeclaration | Implementation of interface sum ImportDeclaration |
IterationStatement | Implementation of interface sum IterationStatement |
Literal | Implementation of interface sum Literal |
Method | Implementation of interface sum Method |
MethodDefinition | Implementation of interface sum MethodDefinition |
ObjectProperty | Implementation of interface sum ObjectProperty |
Parameter | Implementation of interface sum Parameter |
Program | Implementation of interface sum Program |
PropertyName | Implementation of interface sum PropertyName |
Setter | Implementation of interface sum Setter |
SimpleAssignmentTarget | Implementation of interface sum SimpleAssignmentTarget |
Statement | Implementation of interface sum Statement |
UnaryOperator | Implementation of string enum UnaryOperator |
UpdateOperator | Implementation of string enum UpdateOperator |
VariableDeclarationKind | Implementation of string enum VariableDeclarationKind |
ViewMutArrowExpression | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum ArrowExpression |
ViewMutAssertedMaybePositionalParameterName | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum AssertedMaybePositionalParameterName |
ViewMutAssignmentTarget | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum AssignmentTarget |
ViewMutAssignmentTargetOrAssignmentTargetWithInitializer | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum AssignmentTargetOrAssignmentTargetWithInitializer |
ViewMutAssignmentTargetOrForInOfBinding | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum AssignmentTargetOrForInOfBinding |
ViewMutAssignmentTargetPattern | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum AssignmentTargetPattern |
ViewMutAssignmentTargetProperty | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum AssignmentTargetProperty |
ViewMutBinding | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum Binding |
ViewMutBindingOrBindingWithInitializer | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum BindingOrBindingWithInitializer |
ViewMutBindingPattern | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum BindingPattern |
ViewMutBindingProperty | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum BindingProperty |
ViewMutClassDeclarationOrExpressionOrFunctionDeclaration | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum ClassDeclarationOrExpressionOrFunctionDeclaration |
ViewMutClassDeclarationOrFunctionDeclarationOrVariableDeclaration | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum ClassDeclarationOrFunctionDeclarationOrVariableDeclaration |
ViewMutExportDeclaration | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum ExportDeclaration |
ViewMutExportDeclarationOrImportDeclarationOrStatement | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum ExportDeclarationOrImportDeclarationOrStatement |
ViewMutExpression | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum Expression |
ViewMutExpressionOrSpreadElement | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum ExpressionOrSpreadElement |
ViewMutExpressionOrSuper | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum ExpressionOrSuper |
ViewMutExpressionOrTemplateElement | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum ExpressionOrTemplateElement |
ViewMutExpressionOrVariableDeclaration | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum ExpressionOrVariableDeclaration |
ViewMutFunctionDeclaration | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum FunctionDeclaration |
ViewMutFunctionExpression | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum FunctionExpression |
ViewMutGetter | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum Getter |
ViewMutImportDeclaration | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum ImportDeclaration |
ViewMutIterationStatement | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum IterationStatement |
ViewMutLiteral | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum Literal |
ViewMutMethod | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum Method |
ViewMutMethodDefinition | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum MethodDefinition |
ViewMutObjectProperty | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum ObjectProperty |
ViewMutParameter | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum Parameter |
ViewMutProgram | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum Program |
ViewMutPropertyName | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum PropertyName |
ViewMutSetter | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum Setter |
ViewMutSimpleAssignmentTarget | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum SimpleAssignmentTarget |
ViewMutStatement | A mechanism to view value as an instance of interface sum Statement |
Visitor | A set of callbacks used to inspect the contents of an AST in a strongly-typed
manner. For each node |
WalkGuard | |
Walker |
Type Definitions
Arguments | Implementation of list type Arguments. |
FunctionBody | |
IOPath | A Path, used when walking the tree with more weakly-typed APIs, e.g. TokenReader/TokenWriter. |
Label | Alias to primitive type. |
ListOfAssertedBoundName | Implementation of list type ListOfAssertedBoundName. |
ListOfAssertedDeclaredName | Implementation of list type ListOfAssertedDeclaredName. |
ListOfAssertedMaybePositionalParameterName | Implementation of list type ListOfAssertedMaybePositionalParameterName. |
ListOfAssignmentTargetOrAssignmentTargetWithInitializer | Implementation of list type ListOfAssignmentTargetOrAssignmentTargetWithInitializer. |
ListOfAssignmentTargetProperty | Implementation of list type ListOfAssignmentTargetProperty. |
ListOfBindingProperty | Implementation of list type ListOfBindingProperty. |
ListOfClassElement | Implementation of list type ListOfClassElement. |
ListOfDirective | Implementation of list type ListOfDirective. |
ListOfExportDeclarationOrImportDeclarationOrStatement | Implementation of list type ListOfExportDeclarationOrImportDeclarationOrStatement. |
ListOfExportFromSpecifier | Implementation of list type ListOfExportFromSpecifier. |
ListOfExportLocalSpecifier | Implementation of list type ListOfExportLocalSpecifier. |
ListOfExpressionOrTemplateElement | Implementation of list type ListOfExpressionOrTemplateElement. |
ListOfImportSpecifier | Implementation of list type ListOfImportSpecifier. |
ListOfObjectProperty | Implementation of list type ListOfObjectProperty. |
ListOfOptionalBindingOrBindingWithInitializer | Implementation of list type ListOfOptionalBindingOrBindingWithInitializer. |
ListOfOptionalExpressionOrSpreadElement | Implementation of list type ListOfOptionalExpressionOrSpreadElement. |
ListOfParameter | Implementation of list type ListOfParameter. |
ListOfStatement | Implementation of list type ListOfStatement. |
ListOfSwitchCase | Implementation of list type ListOfSwitchCase. |
ListOfVariableDeclarator | Implementation of list type ListOfVariableDeclarator. |
OptionalAssignmentTarget | Alias to optional type type. |
OptionalBinding | Alias to optional type type. |
OptionalBindingIdentifier | Alias to optional type type. |
OptionalBindingOrBindingWithInitializer | Alias to optional type type. |
OptionalCatchClause | Alias to optional type type. |
OptionalExpression | Alias to optional type type. |
OptionalExpressionOrSpreadElement | Alias to optional type type. |
OptionalExpressionOrVariableDeclaration | Alias to optional type type. |
OptionalIdentifierName | Alias to optional type type. |
OptionalLabel | Alias to optional type type. |
OptionalPropertyKey | Alias to optional type type. |
OptionalStatement | Alias to optional type type. |
String | Alias to primitive type. |
ViewMutFunctionBody | |
WalkPath | A Path, used when walking the tree with the strongly-typed |
WalkPathItem | A PathItem, used when walking the tree with the strongly-typed |