[][src]Macro nom::take_bits

macro_rules! take_bits {
    ($i:expr, $count:expr) => { ... };

Consumes the specified number of bits and returns them as the specified type.

Signature: take_bits!(type, count) => ( (&[T], usize), U, usize) -> IResult<(&[T], usize), U>

named!(bits_pair<(&[u8], usize), (u8, u8)>, pair!( take_bits!(4u8), take_bits!(4u8) ) );
named!( take_pair<(u8, u8)>, bits!( bits_pair ) );

let input = vec![0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF];
let sl    = &input[..];

assert_eq!(take_pair( sl ),       Ok((&sl[1..], (0xA, 0xB))) );
assert_eq!(take_pair( &sl[1..] ), Ok((&sl[2..], (0xC, 0xD))) );